Flowers That Bloom In The Spring

Tra la! For the last Friday in May, we travel home to my backyard - my backyard of 2008. When the Wisteria ripened like grapes in autumn. So luscious they looked juicy. The vine is coming back now, after a couple of hard years. Wisteria can crawl all over your house, plucking at the weak spots in the siding, loosening shingles, and twining around ornamental trees. But as long as it puts on this yearly show, you forgive it for all the work it's made necessary the rest of the year. The pots contain two different color varieties of Lewisia (named for Meriwether Lewis). That large-leaved fellow at the left is a Fatsia japonica. And the little blue wing of a house underneath it all is where I sit typing at you day by day by day.
