

There was the time Jack helped Richard and I move out of our apartment. We had a balcony running the length of the place that hung over parking spaces that backed onto the alley. The guys were running boxes of this and that, stereo equipment, bits of furniture – you know. All that kind of stuff.

Read more about Jack>



It was the summer of 1992 and the Grateful Dead had scheduled the "Veneta Third Decadal Field Trip" to celebrate their own three decades in music. What was more, Veneta, Oregon was/still is the venue for the Oregon Country Faire, the biggest and best hippie fair on the West Coast, if not in the country, maybe the whole wide world. Read more about Furthur

When I Was Brave

A woman I follow on Twitter asked her followers to tell her a story about being brave. This is my story, but for reasons unknown to either of us, it refused to post. But it's a good little story, so I'm posting it here. Read more about When I Was Brave

And Just Like That

I was in my favorite seat in my favorite row in the Oakland Coliseum that night. All was as perfect as perfect can be. Except for HER. My usual touring buddy had fallen head over heels for a redheaded minx who was totally fucking up my trip. Read more about And Just Like That