
Congress Rising

I didn’t watch the Trial of Trump much. I had already watched over 35 hours of Congressional Hearings and I knew the case for impeachment like the back of my hand. The Republican Senate had already shut down any possibility for more documents or witnesses, so nothing new was likely to arise. Read more about Congress Rising


Who Are We?

“That’s not who we are.” It’s a favorite message of political hope sounded by some of our favorite politicians.

To which I can be heard to mutter, “Except sometimes.”

I’m not the only one. Other folks from my side of the aisle have been popping up all over the place insisting “That” is exactly who we are. Meaning racist, misogynistic, predatory assholes. And have been from the beginning.

To which I can be heard to mutter, “Except sometimes.” Read more about Who Are We?


Norm Schnorm

“You’re never going to be normal, are you?”

Those are the very words my father spoke to me as I was heading out to Seattle back in 1985. As I recall, they were in response to his question, “What are you going to do out there?” And my answer, “I don’t know. We’ll just have to see what happens.”

I didn't know "normal" was something to strive for, Dad. I thought but didn't say. Read more about Norm Schnorm
