

Algeria. Another country I will never get to visit. This picture might illustrate why that doesn't bother me so much. Do you know what they call the building material in old Algerian cities? Sun-baked brick. Yes. That's right. Doesn't even need a kiln, I don't think. Just wet some clay, form it into a brick, and leave it in the sun for a day. Voila. It'll last for centuries. Leave me in the sun for a day and I'll last for centuries, too. Only I won't be too happy about it.
Algeria, Africa.jpg Read more about Algeria

Hotel California

You can check-out any time you like,
But you can never leave!

Don't suppose that means they can't kick me out when I run out of money? This one is in the heart of Rome. Because sometimes you wanna go where Trump is not your problem.

Some dance to remember, some dance to forget

Read more about Hotel California